Friday, January 24, 2014

I Want to Eat All the Candy

Our little boys love candy. If we were to leave candy sitting on the table I have no doubt that it would quickly be eaten. We could tell them that it is not a good idea to eat too much candy, but in spite of our warnings about excess sugar and the dangers of obesity, I am confident that they would still continue to indulge in candy.
As they grow older, I hope that they will develop some restraint. We seldom buy pop, but on a recent trip to the grocery store, my 4 year old suggested that I get pop. He did not argue with me when I said no, but instead said that when he is big like me he would get pop when he went to the store. That was a reminder that not all adults control their desires.
Though eating too much candy and drinking too much pop can affect our bodies, there is nothing sinful about pop or candy. On the other hand, there are activities that are sinful and should be avoided- even if we realize we would get pleasure from participating in them.
For example, I too like candy. In fact, I would really enjoy a Snickers bar right now. Imagine however if I were in the grocery and I had no way to pay for the candy bar, so I just stole it because I really wanted it. Of course that would be wrong. Exodus 20:15 tells us, “Thou shalt not steal.” (8th of the 10 commandments). Ephesians 2:28 admonishes us with the words, “let him that stole, steal no more.”
Obviously stealing would be wrong, even if having and eating that candy bar would make me happy. What about other sins? Stealing the candy bar would obviously affect another individual and deprive them of their rightful possession, but what about a sin that does not affect another so directly?
An example of such a sin would be the viewing of pornography in the privacy of ones own home. Just because a person has the desire to do such a thing does not make it right. Jesus was very clear when He said, “but I say to you, that everyone who looks on a woman to lust for her has committed adultery with her already in his heart.” (Matthew 5:28 NASB). Let us not forget that the 7th commandment says, “Thou shalt not commit adultery.”
What if a man lusts after other men instead of women? First of all, let us understand that we do not all struggle with the same temptations. Some do not have to struggle with stealing Snickers bars, but they do struggle with the temptation of pornography. Others may not struggle with lying, but they do struggle with the temptation of homosexuality. Rather than debating the reasons for such temptation, let us look to the scriptures and determine what God says about the behaviors.
The scriptures are clear that stealing, lusting after women, lying, and homosexual acts are sinful. The scripture is also clear that many other things are sinful as well. Rather than condemning each other for the temptations we face, let us instead encourage each other to obey God and exercise self control regardless of our temptations. With that in mind, never make an excuse for the actual sin, but also be careful about being judgmental toward someone who is resisting a sin that you never had to struggle with.
Further if you are a Christian and are struggling with temptation toward a sin that the scripture clearly condemns, do not sin that grace may abound- even if others in society tell you that it is okay. As Christians, we need to let God decide what is a sin. That means we ought to avoid sin, even if it goes against our desires. Even if we want to eat all the candy in the candy store, that does not mean we should do it.
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Friday, January 10, 2014

God's Will and a New Year

I have a Miller family history book on my bookshelf. It was written by my dad’s cousin. On page 51 is a picture of my great-great grandfather’s house in Lennox, SD. That is where he lived just before he died. We drove by that house on the evening of New Year’s Day and it is still there even though my great-great grandfather died about 105 years ago.
Much has changed in the past 100 years so I was not sure if the house would even still be there, but sure enough there it was. Though that house remains, my great-great grandfather, my great grandfather, my grandpa, and my dad have all passed away.
About 100 years ago, my great grandfather moved from Worthing where my grandpa was born to a farm north of Lake Wilson, MN. Most of my family still live in that area. As I grew up in Southwest Minnesota, I had no idea that I would one day end up moving back to the area of my forefathers. In fact, I did not even remember that they were from this area until after we were already planning to move here.
Though I had now idea where my life would lead, God knew all along. I think of Isaiah 46:9-10, “Remember the former things of old, For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me, Declaring the end from the beginning, And from ancient times things that are not yet done, Saying, 'My counsel shall stand, And I will do all My pleasure,'” (NKJV).
As I remember the past, I am reminded that God already has the future all planned out. My moving to Worthing may have surprised me, but it did not surprise God. It is reassuring to know that I serve an all knowing, all powerful God.
Notice as well that verse 10 of Isaiah 46 says that God’s counsel (His purpose)- shall stand. It also says that He will do all He pleases. I take comfort in praying to an all powerful God who knows the beginning from the end. I also take comfort in knowing that He will do as He pleases.
Some may wonder why I find comfort in praying to a God who does whatever He pleases instead of praying to a god that I can get to do whatever I want him to do. If I were powerful enough to get God to give me whatever I wanted, then my God would not be all powerful and if I could get what I wanted, so could others. What if I wanted rain and someone else wanted sunshine?
The God I pray to is all knowing and does as He pleases, so He knows what is best. Further I take comfort in knowing that He is good and that He loves us so much that He sent His son to die for our sins. Thus I can face the new year ahead- and all the years He allows me to have- with complete trust in Him and His will no matter what trials or blessings may come my way.