Saturday, May 2, 2015

Do You Pick Your Nose?

Do you pick your nose? Of course it is necessary pick it from time to time, but most of us do not do it when other people are around. Too often Christians approach sin in a similar manner. But when you are alone, ask yourself, “would I do this if Jesus were in the room with me?”
When I first met my wife, I would not have considered picking my nose in front of her. She was so beautiful that I wanted to make a good impression. Today Crystal is even more beautiful than when we first met, but I have become so comfortable around her that I find myself picking my nose in her presence.
How many of us have become too comfortable around Christ? He loved us enough to die for us, and we are saved by His grace rather than by our works, thus it is tempting to become careless with sin- even when we remember that God is in our midst.
The disciples spent a lot of time with Jesus. John was so comfortable around Jesus that he even leaned against Him as they crowded around the table for a meal. As comfortable as John was around Jesus, he was given a powerful reminder that Jesus was not just one of the guys.
About a week after Jesus said that His followers should take up their cross daily and follow Him (Luke 9:23), Peter James and John went up a mountain to pray with Jesus. While there, something amazing happened. Jesus’ appearance changed. His face and clothes glowed (Luke 9:29). Further, He met with Moses and Elijah- men who had long ago left this world. This was an amazing reminder that Jesus was not just one of the guys.
These three disciples had hung around with Jesus a lot, but look at their reaction on the mount of transfiguration. “And while he was saying this, a cloud formed and began to overshadow them; and they were afraid as they entered the cloud.” (Luke 9:34 NASB) They were afraid. This is a reminder that the power of God should make us fear. Proverbs 9:10 says, “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” (NASB). In the Bible, the fear of God is represented as a good thing. We should desire to be as close to Jesus as Peter, James, and John were, but we must never forget who Jesus is and we should have a reverent fear for Him.
God then speaks from the cloud, reminding the disciples who Jesus really is. “And a voice came out of the cloud, saying, ‘This is My Son, My Chosen One; listen to Him!’" (Luke 9:35 NASB) Jesus is the Son of God. That makes Him equal to God. As God, Jesus has the authority to tell us what to do. He is King of kings and Lord of lords. We ought not to become so comfortable around Him that we forget who He really is.
Jesus no longer walks on this earth like He did 2000 years ago. He has ascended into heaven. Still He has given us His Holy Spirit. As we ask the question, “would you do that if Jesus were in the room?”- remember that if you are really a Christian, not only is the Holy Spirit in the room, He is in you. Imagine how much differently we would act and think if suddenly the Holy Spirit within us revealed His glory like Jesus did on the mount of transfiguration.
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