Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Iowa Marriage Debate

There has been a lot of discussion about marriage in Iowa over the last year, and I would expect even more in the days and years ahead. A few years back, the Legislature of the state of Iowa passed a law stating that marriage was between one man and one woman. In April of 2009, the Supreme Court of Iowa issued an opinion against that law. Today there is a debate on whether or not a sitting Governor would have the authority to put a stay on that decision. At the same time, many Iowans are calling for a vote to just let the citizens of the state settle this issue.
Essentially, Iowans find themselves in a position of debating who has the right to be the final decider of this issue. In the midst of all the emotion, we run a grave danger of forgetting that this issue has already been decided. It was not decided by a legislature, or a court, or a group of citizens, or even by a church. It was actually decided by our Creator when He made them male and female and put them together in order to procreate.
This principle of man and woman coming together predates even the Scriptures which were given to us by God. In other words, God had established the natural order of things long before He even had Moses write the Pentateuch. Even today as we go into the hardware store and ask for plumbing and electrical connections we use the terms male and female because of the nature of how God made us. This was not something established by man, but rather by God.
If the courts were suddenly to declare that gravity does not exist, would it change the fact? Of course not. Some would then argue that if it doesn’t change anything why worry about it. I worry about it because lies are deadly. Of course I can understand that gravity does exist, but I remember when my little brother broke his arm trying to fly like Super Man.
What it comes down to is that we as the citizens of Iowa must oppose any decision of the court that so blatantly goes against reality. We all know that marriage is between a husband and a wife. To declare differently is to distort the truth and to even change the very definition of a word that was founded upon the principles of nature. To argue otherwise is not only to argue with God, but to argue with the reality of the creation that He made.

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